Learn English Today

Comparative and Superlative Adjectives Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

The PM is launching a new drive to counter extremism by calling on more Muslim women to learn English Credit Asked what would happen to people who fail English tests, he told the Today programme: "You can’t guarantee you’ll be able to stay if But he also suggested failing to learn English could affect people on spousal visas who Cameron responded to this criticism on the Today Programme, saying that while the funding for language learning was cut along with many other public services LONDON — British Prime Minister David Cameron on Monday threatened to deport spouses who don’t learn English as part of a wider government 2016 PM slashed #ESOL funds by £45million last year. Today he says £20million is new money. The UK government today warned that migrants on spousal visas who fail to speak English may face deportation, as it announced a new 20 million pound fund to improve the language skills among migrant Muslim women. Writing in ‘The Times’ newspaper Being able to speak English was the gateway to opportunity and a better life for the children of immigrants. That's still true today. But the pressure has lessened considerably, as the idea of multiculturalism allows new arrivals the option of learning The British Prime Minister today announced a £20 million "Language Fund" to help muslim women who can't speak English - get free English classes so that they can easily integrate into British society. This was after his visit to a mosque in Leeds this .

Mr Doel’s comments came in response to an op-ed by Prime Minister David Cameron in today’s edition of The Times to promote integration but his plans to promote the learning of English need to encompass all communities, as well as focusing David Cameron has said the Government will provide £20 million to give Muslim women who do not speak English the chance to learn the language. Mr Cameron faced a backlash from Muslim groups and former Cabinet minister Baroness Warsi for linking the issue Some advocates for British Muslim women praised Cameron's plan, which he argued would force husbands to let their wives learn English and better assimilate they have responsibilities too," he told the Today program. LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - British Muslim groups accused Prime Minister David Cameron on Monday of demonizing their communities by saying that Muslim women needed to learn English pledged today by the Prime Minister for English language .

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