English Speaking

English Grammar English Grammar

"We can't let women be second-class citizens," Cameron writes, saying that 22 percent of British Muslim women struggle with English, which handicaps their ability to work, speak up for themselves, or be involved in community decision-making: Recommended David Cameron has called for efforts to be made to increase English-speaking among Muslim women Prime Minister David Cameron 's bid to improve english speaking skills among Muslim women could affect more than 17,000 people in west London. Mr Cameron, who If nurses and midwives are unable to provide sufficient evidence of language skills - such as having trained or worked in an English-speaking country - they will need to undertake an English language assessment. Such rules are already in force for nurses Immigration rules already force spouses to speak English before they come to Britain to live with their partners. But Cameron said they would also face further tests after two and a half years in the country to make sure their language skills were improving. McCallum says more than 90 per cent of refugees who have arrived in Canada speak neither English nor French. That creates what he calls a blank slate for refugees and provinces to teach newly-arrived Syrians either of Canada’s two official languages. David Cameron has announced a £20 million fund for English language classes for Muslim women, claiming that 22% of Muslim women in the UK do not speak English. That figure of 22% was challenged on the BBC Today programme by Dal Babu, a former chief .

“If you’re not able to speak English, you’re not able to integrate. You may find, therefore, that you have challenges understanding what your identity is and you could be more susceptible to the extremist message that comes from Daesh.” Monday’s We are background noise, it seems, until we have sufficiently demonstrated our humanity to the world by speaking fluent English. A video on social media features a homeless man making an appeal for an office job, while speaking fluent English. His story of The prime minister said more assertive action was needed, and spouses in the UK on a visa may not be allowed to remain if they do not learn English. Speaking to BBC News, Muslims in east London gave their reaction to the announcement. We should all focus, both teachers and learners, on speaking English in such a way that it can be understood by English speakers everywhere. This cannot be based on a supposedly ideal “native speaker” model which does not and cannot exist. It has to be .

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