Grammer English

My English Journal: November 2010 My English Journal: November 2010

L’office québécois de la langue française (a.k.a. The Quebec Language Police) flexed its linguistic authority with two complaints regarding the Resto La Mama Grilled Cheese Gourmet, a grilled cheese restaurant in the central borough of Quebec City. David Cameron has been accused of a “lazy and misguided” approach after warning that Muslim women who fail to improve their English language skills could be deported as part of a drive to build community integration and counter extremism. The Prime The problems associated with people communicating in English Language, either in spoken or written form, were recently brought to the fore at an inaugural lecture by Professor of English Language, Joy Eyisi, who has taught the subject for about 30 years. LONDON – Muslim women who fail to learn English to a high enough standard could face deportation from Britain, Prime Minister David Cameron announced Monday. He also suggested that poor English skills can leave people “more susceptible” to the Nurses and midwives coming to Britain from the EU will now need to prove they are fluent in English, under new rules. Until now, checks have only been applied to nurses outside the EU. It means any nurse who is unable to show they have sufficient language British Prime Minister David Cameron has said immigrants who arrive in the UK on a spousal visa will face deportation if they can’t improve their English language skills within two-and-a-half years of their arrival. The move is apparently meant to .

On Monday, Cameron pledged to fund English language classes for Muslim women immigrants, and warned some could be deported if they fail to reach certain standards. The 20-million-pound ($41 million CD) fund will help tens of thousands of women facing LONDON – Britain will fund English language classes for Muslim women migrants in hopes that building community cohesion will help fight extremism. Prime Minister David Cameron says the 20 million pound ($28.5 million) fund will help tens of thousands of London: British Prime Minister David Cameron has said that Muslim women must learn English language to integrate better into the society and suggested some migrants who cannot pass an English test within 2-1/2 years of arriving may not be allowed to stay. A new initiative from UK Prime Minister David Cameron would require Muslim immigrant women to improve their English skills by enrolling in state sponsored language courses. The initiative is said to be an opportunity improve “national cohesion” and .

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