Spoken English

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David Cameron says Muslim women should be helped to learn English in a bid to tackle extremismREUTERS/Toby Melville According to Andy Burnham, encouraging Muslim women to improve their English language skills will probably encourage them to blow themselves LONDON — British Prime Minister David Cameron says Muslim women must improve their English to better integrate into British society, arguing that improved national cohesion is the best antidote to extremism. On Monday, Cameron pledged to fund English David Cameron has announced a £20 million fund for English language classes for Muslim women, claiming that 22% of Muslim women in the UK do not speak English. That figure of 22% was challenged on the BBC Today programme by Dal Babu, a former chief “If you’re not able to speak English, you’re not able to integrate. You may find, therefore, that you have challenges understanding what your identity is and you could be more susceptible to the extremist message that comes from Daesh.” Monday’s Immigration rules already force spouses to speak English before they come to Britain to live with their partners. But Cameron said they would also face further tests after two and a half years in the country to make sure their language skills were improving. “New figures show that some 190,000 British Muslim women—or 22%—speak little or no English despite many having lived here for decades. 40,000 of these women speak no English at all.” David Cameron, 18 January 2016 “The figures—you’ve .

David Cameron has been accused of a "lazy and misguided" approach after warning that Muslim women who fail to improve their English language skills could be deported as part of a drive to build community integration and counter extremism. LONDON — Britain's prime minister says Muslim women must improve their English to better integrate into British society, and suggested some migrants could be deported if they fail to speak the language. Arguing that community cohesion is the best PM David Cameron has announced £20m of funding for language classes for the 22% of Muslim women in England said to speak little or no English. The funding is part of a drive to foster integration among this group, who he says are segregated in certain UK BRADENTON -- When Victor Diaz moved to the United States from Colombia with his wife 14 years ago, neither of them could speak English, but they were determined to learn. Through classes at Project Light, a nonprofit English language school, the 89-year .

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