Proper Grammar

Go Teen Writers Grammar Gray Areas Go Teen Writers Grammar Gray Areas

It seems like not a day goes by without my reading about some new absurdity. I ran across an article written by some left-wing lunatic who purports to be an English teacher and who is part of what she calls the “social justice movement”. She writes for I've recently become really interested in the way grammar is used by the current generation online. I often find myself and others toggle as needed between proper grammar and "improper" grammar to express sentences differently, and I started to wonder The date flopped for a couple of reasons, but bad grammar bothers Mr. Cohen. Learning a potential mate doesn’t know the difference between “there,” “they’re” and “their” is like discovering she loves cats, he says. Mr. Cohen is I want to concur with Susan Ertel in the writers group when she asked “Is good grammar now a dying art?” I have worried about what our young people are not learning about reading and writing for a long time. In addition, my grandchildren are not even New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who himself speaks in tongues at times, says that proper grammar is the key to success. Answering a question from a caller during his appearance on a New York City radio show, the billionaire mayor said that without proper In response to my column highlighting amusing errors, a reader questioned my emphasis on proper grammar. “I enjoy reading your column,” he wrote, “and I do try to write succinctly. However, in this day and age and with the amount of correspondence .

His replies tended not to make much sense, but they were at least correctly placed. When one reader complained that Randy “can’t use proper grammar,” Randy replied “To much pc.” Apparently any form of correctness is political correctness Are you the sort of person who just loves correcting other people's grammar? Are you sure that you're doing it right? Some things that people have been taught are rules of English grammar are really not rules at all—and some of them are flat-out wrong. Unfortunately, using correct grammar, getting good grades and striving for success can still make a young black boy or girl feel lonely. The act of just being yourself can somehow still hurt or offend others. As a young man, you will have to continually For example, "This blower is like the most powerful we have." Boomers in general are old-school and appreciate proper grammar and professionalism. Connecting the dots. It is great to connect with customers and build rapport, but you have to go further with .

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Another proper grammar Image Gallery

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for a few wordswhose spelling is in flux. Nevertheless, proper for a few wordswhose spelling is in flux. Nevertheless, proper

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